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Our Work in Spain (2011)

Last year when we visited the RECAL shelter in Almendralejo, run by Mada, we were able to see for ourselves how hard Mada and her few helpers have to work looking after so many dogs. Already this year we have taken many galgos from her. Some of these galgos have been...

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Residencia Canina El Planas

Residencia Canina El Planas, better known to us as Pep’s kennels in Vic. I last visited Vic over seven years ago when we first started to board our rescue dogs with him. At that time Pep was building some more kennels on his land and also converting an old barn to...

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DEFRA Quarantine Rules (2012)

New DEFRA Quarantine Rules From 1st January,2012 the UK will harmonise its pet movement rules with the rest of the European Union. All pets will still need to be vaccinated against rabies. Pets from the EU and listed non-EU countries will no longer need a blood test...

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The Tragedy of the Galgos of Spain

The galgo español is a sighthound of ancient origins, a very near relative of the greyhound (the galgo inglés). The pure galgo can be short or longhaired, the latter being the preferred type at breed shows. The dog is bred for its athleticism, stamina, and ease of...

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The Rome Rescue

Rome track was declared bankrupt on May 24th 2002 with 370 Irish greyhounds stranded, most of them elderly, retired males. The news came to us from Elizabeth Barton in Arezzo and Elisa Manna of the Greyhound Adopt Centre Italy, a young adoption group for whom these...

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The rescue, export and homing of galgos

(Article written for Andalucian Galgo Magazine, by Anne Finch) As a UK charity, Greyhounds in Need, we first became aware of the unfortunate lives of galgos in 1996, following on our concern since 1991 for the Irish greyhounds exported then to the dog tracks at...

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The real problem in Spain

The real galgo problem in Spain as described by those working tirelessly to help. From Mo Swatek Garcia Santos, PRO-GALGO, Barcelona …the cruel hangings of the of hounds is again given so much publicity (this year have been found less than 10 cases!) but nobody speaks...

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The Life of a Galgo in Spain by Ana Fernandez

Written originally in Spanish in September 2003 by Ana Fernandez, Volunteer in Castilla La Mancha We may have to go back 40 or 50 years in order to understand what is happening to galgos in rural Spain. At that time, the galgo accompanied the peasant farmer into the...

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The History of GIN (2001)

1983 – Adopted 11 year old Labrador (retired guide dog) and started caring for abandoned dogs in refuges in UK and became aware of the problem of unwanted greyhounds in UK. (1/3rd of inmates of refuges were greyhounds). Took blankets and supplies to refuges for them...

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Plight of the greyhound in Europe (2001)

Article written for German Magazine (2001) Dear Readers, We have become more aware of the plight of greyhounds in Europe and elsewhere over the last 10 years, though their suffering has gone on for decades. Their qualities as swift hunters have been a thorn in the...

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The Care of the Racing Greyhound (1996)

An Educational Video in Spanish: ‘El Cuidado Del Galgo De Carreras’ (The Care of the Racing Greyhound) In an effort to ameliorate the harsh, outdated conditions under which the greyhounds exported to Spain for track racing live, Anne ‘faute de mieux’, created this...

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The Voice of Spain (2001)

What follows are excerpts from some of the letters we have received from refuges. For reference we include a map with the towns marked where they are situated to give you some idea of their location. I think here we have a unique collection of letters and information...

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A hanging in Murcia (2001)

A Pine Wood, A Stable, A hillside. April 2001 Not for the sensitive. (Images at the end) A telephone call from a journalist in Spain prompted me to go quickly to investigate more sad discoveries of the abuse of galgos, this time very close to a fashionable tourist...

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The misfortune of being born a Spanish Greyhound (2002)

One of the biggest sorrows that can happen to a living thing is being born a greyhound in Spain. Those of us who try to help this noble and sweet breed in Spain know very well that all is against us when it comes to save these unfortunates in a country where there are...

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Killing of Greyhounds in Spain (2002)

Discovery of a mass grave in Chueca, Spain, March 2nd, 2002. In the neighbourhood of this little village of 275 inhabitants near Toledo, corpses of galgos have been found among heaps of bones, which proves that the killing has been going on till today. An eyewitness...

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