Registered UK Office:


   5A, 80 High Street, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9HE, UK

     +44 (0)1784-483206



Anne Finch

Arthur Finch


Dame Jilly Cooper DBE

Dame Judi Dench CH DBE FRSA

Peter Egan

Ricky Gervais


Christine Goodwin, Geraldine Jones,
Leigh Sobye BVSc MRCVS, Samantha Taylor, Patricia Whipps

Email  Trustees@greyhoundsinneed.co.uk


General Manager:

Tracey Sanderson
01784 483206


01784 483206

Homing UK:

01784 483206

Supporter/Homing Groups:

Cheshire and the North West:
Sue & Phil White

Membership Secretary:

01784 483206


01784 483206


Leigh Dworkin

Charity number: 1174351 (old Charity number: 1069438) See Greyhounds in Need – CIO


Greyhounds in Need CIO is an English registered charity founded in 1998. The charity has grown considerably since then and our concern, as always, continues to be the plight of greyhounds everywhere, and especially the Spanish bred greyhounds, the galgos.

Since starting this work we have rescued and found homes for several thousand dogs with the help of many Spanish volunteers who carry out primary rescue work, and the homing groups and individuals in Europe, who, in sympathy with our work, are promoting adoption in their own countries.

Thanks to our generous supporters we are able to fund important and necessary veterinary care at many shelters in Spain. We also fund some boarding and transport costs to ensure that the dogs we are able to help receive the best care and attention we and those we work with can give them.

As well as helping with veterinary costs we are able to offer funding for special projects-new kennelling blocks, heating, security, lighting at the shelters to support the wonderful work they do for many abandoned dogs in Spain.

GIN is the leading greyhound rescue charity working in Spain and has unique knowledge of conditions there, and has permanent need of donations to enable the rescue work to be continued and expanded.

Whilst we concentrate most of our endeavours to working in Spain for the galgos we are pleased that we can also offer some funding for transport costs enabling some English and Irish greyhounds to be homed.

For many years now, as well as the rescue and rehoming work, which we appreciate is at best first aid; we have tried to tackle the galgo problem at source. We have produced an education programme. Our hopes are that this will support the teaching of English in Spanish schools, educate the children about the plight of the galgos and change the perception people have of these dogs.

The aim is to develop empathy for dogs and help make a difference to the many that are in need of loving homes.

Hopefully this will encourage more Spanish people to adopt a galgo as a family pet. So many are often abandoned or killed after their usefulness as a hunting dog is over.

Check out www.education.greyhoundsinneed.co.uk
and we have a GalGo! game, available to download for free from:

For the historians amongst you, please check out How We Started


     +44 (0)1784-483206


    Greyhounds in Need CIO, 5A, 80 High Street, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9HE, UK