Links to Spanish refuges and animal welfare organisations
We support many shelters and Spanish refuges. We help with veterinary costs and send many donations of coats, blankets, dog collars, leads, muzzles, etc throughout the year. We have been able to offer funding for special projects-new kennelling blocks, heating, security, lighting at the shelters to support the wonderful work they do for many abandoned dogs in Spain.
Spanish refuges and animal welfare organisations are lobbying for the introduction of animal welfare legislation and trying to relieve suffering where they can. This often means that the Spanish refuges are fighting against local culture and tradition, so the bravery and strength of the individuals involved is often tested. We have been able to offer some financial support for cruelty cases that some shelters have taken to court.
For many years now, as well as the rescue and rehoming work, which we appreciate is at best first aid; we have tried to tackle the galgo problem at source. We have developed an education programme for schools and groups in Spain. Our hope is that this will support the teaching of English in Spanish schools, educate the children about the plight of the galgos, and ultimately change the perception some people have of these dogs.
The aim is to develop empathy for all dogs and help make a difference to the many that need loving homes. Hopefully, this will encourage more Spanish people to adopt a galgo as a family pet. So many are often abandoned or killed after their usefulness as a hunting dog is over.
We are proud to be associated with these groups and pleased that many are using the education materials in their areas.
The following have their own websites:
- www.ibichos.com Asociacion Protectora de Animales y Plantas
- www.paws-patas.org (People’s Animal Welfare Society, Almeria)
- www.sosgalgos.com (Barcelona)
- www.asociacionrecal.es (RECAL, Almendralejo)
- www.ddevida.org/colabora.php (DDEVIDA – Causa Animal)
- www.facebook.com/apasantaclaratobarra/ ( APA Santa Clara Tobarra – Adopciones, Santa Clara)
- www.galgosinfronteras.org Galgos Sin Fronteras
- www.adanabadajoz.com/ Adana Badajoz
- www.protectoradeayamonte.org Asociacion Protectora de Animales y Olantas de Ayamonte
- https://www.galgosenfamilia.org/ Galgos en Familia
- https://spanishdogrescue.wordpress.com Spanish Dog Rescue
- https://galgosdelsol.org Galgos del Sol
- https://galgosrescuealmeria.com Galgos Rescue Almeria
- https://m.facebook.com/amigofielbaena Companero Fiel Baena, Cordoba
- https://protectoradecaceres.es/ Protector of Cáceres (protectoradecaceres.es)
Links to greyhound interest sites in Europe, the UK and USA can be found here.
Please see our page on International Aid, for information on the dogs in Spain being prepared for homing in mainland Europe.