We produce newsletters twice a year, one in April (covering Spring and Summer) and the other in September (covering Autumn and Winter). These newsletters give information on our work over the previous six months and hopefully bring our supporters up to date with our projects here, and abroad. They include news from the shelters and the adoption groups who we work with as well as photographs and information on adopted dogs and those who are waiting to be adopted. We also include a Merchandise Catalogue featuring our charity merchandise which is available in our online shop.
We also produce, annually, a Multilingual bulletin, summarising our work for the year. This is available in English, French, German, Spanish, Flemish and Italian. We also email this to our contacts and supporters abroad. Please sign up for your copy here. Download our 2020 and 2019 Bulletins below. You can also read our latest news here.
If you would like to receive a copy of our newsletter, by post or email, please complete the form below.