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Visit to Spain – March 2018

Leaving a very snowy UK behind, I joined our trustee, Leigh, on a trip to Southern Spain to visit three shelters that GIN support and meet the dedicated staff and volunteers that run them. Our first stop was in Albacete where we met Sole and Jisseth from Arca de Noe...

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Visit to Spain – June 2017

Visit to Spain – June 2017 It was a privilege to travel with Martin, Leigh and Carolyn to meet the dedicated people running rescue and rehoming shelters for galgos in southern Spain, and see some of the vital work that the charity supports and funds.   Our first...

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Visit to Spain – April 2016

In April we made another visit to Spain. This time we flew to Faro in Portugal and then drove the short journey across the border to Ayamonte. Their shelter is in the middle of a pine forest and after our meeting with Claudette we drove to the shelter to meet the...

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Special Event – ‘February’ Screening 2014

On the 5 December 2014 GIN put on its largest and perhaps its most important event to date. Earlier in the Year we had been granted a licence to stage the UK premiere of a remarkable and moving documentary film entitled “February” which depicts the dreadful working...

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Sad news about Anne Finch 2018

It is with profound regret that we have to inform you of the death of our founder, Anne Finch, which occurred on the 5th August 2018. Anne passed away peacefully at the Earl Mountbatten Hospice IOW at the age of seventy-five. Anne was loved and respected by all those...

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News from Arca de Noe, Albacete

Hello Carolyn ...........The education classes are going great, most of the schools are very aware of the problem so they are so pleased to invite us to go and visit them. But I am afraid that we didn’t get for now as many classes as I expected, sometimes it is a...

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Galgos en Familia 26/04/14

We last visited Vera, at her old kennels, in 2012. At her new kennels she is able to help more galgos and as soon as we arrived there were lots of them waiting to say hello. They all looked happy and Vera told us that homing was going well. We are able to offer...

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Arca de Noe, Albacete 26/04/14

We last visited this shelter in 2011 and on our recent visit could see how much work the volunteers have carried out over the last three years. They help all breeds and currently have 90 galgos, some they are getting ready for the next transport to Italy. Last year we...

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Gift Aid

Gift Aid form You can complete our online Gift Aid form below or download and print a copy (click on the image below). When you have completed it, please pop it in the post to us at Greyhounds in Need 5A, 80 High St, Egham TW20 9HE. Gift Aid boosts your donation by...

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Horror Story from Andalucia 18.12.12

For some time we have known that a particularly cruel method of “training” galgos has been in use by Spanish hunters, called galgueros. This barbaric practice involves attaching dogs to a motor cycle or car by a rope, and driving off, leaving the unfortunate galgos to...

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Galgos to the UK 03.09.11

As mentioned earlier on our website in the Defra quarantine article the government has decided to end the current quarantine requirements from 1st January 2012. This has come about because the “derogation” under which the UK is permitted to opt out of the EU...

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112carlotagalgosAcupunctureADANAadoptaggressionAlabama RotAlbaceteAmazonAmazonSmileAMIGOS DE LOS GALGOSAMNISTIA ANIMALamputationAndaluciaangela humpheryAnimales VagabundosAnimal Friends InsuranceAnimal Protection Law of Extremaduraanimalsanimal welfareAnne FinchanniversaryanxiousAPAPAAPA Santa ClaraAPA Santa Clara shelterappappealArca de NoeArchiveAsociacion Protectora de AnimalesAssociation for the Defense of AnimalsBaasgalgoBach Flower RemediesBadajozbaileybarfbathtimeBattersea Dogs and Cats Homebedsbereavementbest practiceblanketsblindbloatBlue Crossbody fatBorisBritish Greyhound Racing BoardbulletincalmingCampeonata de Espana de GalgosCanine OsteoarthritiscardsCastilla La ManchaCataloguecatscharitycharterChristmasChuecaCIOClub Nacional del Galgo Españolcoatcoatscollarcollarscollecting tincompetitioncopley juniorscornsCoronvirusCovidCreeping DandruffCÁCERESDefradelayed bleedingDental caredepartment for educationDia Del GalgodietdiseasediseasesdistemperdogdogsDogs Trustdog tracksdonatedonationdrinking from toiletear tattooseco friendlyeducationEl Cuidado Del Galgo De CarrerasEUEuropeExtremaduraFearFebruaryFiesta NacionalFireworksFirst Aidfive freedomsFoodfrancefundraisinggalgagalgoGalgo Coursing SpaingalgosGalgos del SolGalgos en FamiliaGalgos Sin FronterasGalgos to the UKgalguerogalguerosgamegiftgift aidGovernment of Andalucigravegreyhoundgreyhound cat introductiongreyhound collarGreyhound Friendsgreyhound racingGreyhound Rescue west of Englandgreyhoundsgreyhounds in need CIOGreyhounds without FrontiersGreyhound TalesGreyhound trainershamperhangingharnessHealthHeart Diseasehelpholidayhome at lasthome learningHomeopathyhominghoming packhoming Questionairehuntinghunting dogsICAWCIII Congress of Animal Law of ExtremaduraIllustrious College of Lawyers of BadajozinsuranceInternational Companion Animal Welfare Conferenceirishirish greyhoundirish greyhoundsJenny SeagrovekitknitknittingLA ASOCIACIÓN CACEREÑA PARA LA DEFENSA DE LOS ANIMALESLA ASOCIACIÓN DE ANIMALES ABANDONADOS DE TORREVIEJALA ASOCIACIÓN PARA EL RESPETO Y CUIDADO DE LOS ANIMALESLA ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA DEFENSA DE LOS ANIMALESLA ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA LIBERACIÓN Y EL BIENESTAR ANIMALLA ASOCIACIÓN PROTECTORA DE ANIMALES Y PLANTASLA SOCIEDAD DE PROTECTORA DE ANIMALES Y PLANTESLA SOCIEDAD PROTECTORA DE ALCALÁ DE HENARESlasting giftLavia poemlaylaleadLe clan des levrierslegacyLeishmanialetterLevriersLife with a Galgoll Bets Are Off!: The Race for Survival for the Greyhounds of SpainlostmadridmediterraneanMediterranean parasites and diseasesmemoirsMerchandiseMeridiana Greyhound trackMinister of the Environment in Spainmissing petsmultilingualmurciamusculo-skeletalmuzzlesNAC (No Hunting) PlatformNational Greyhound Racing ClubNational Law of Protection of Animalsnatural dog shampoo barsNatural Remediesnervousnew homesNewsNews from SpainNewsletterNoah's Arc rescuenoisy breathingNorth Shore LeagueosteomyelitisParalysis of the LarynxpassingPep's KennelsPep’s kennels in VicpetPeter Eganpet insurancepetitionphotosPRO-GALGOPROAProblems of rehoming Greyhoundsprotestpurdyquarantineracingracing dogsRacing Greyhoundracion de Protectoras de Animales de Extremadurarafflerainbowrawraw feedingRaw foodRDukreactivereactive dogsRECALRECAL. EL REFUGIO CANINO DE ALMENDRALEJOred blood cellsRefugio KimbarehomedrehomingrescueResidencia Canina El Planasricky gervaisriskRomeRosaRSPCASASINschoolsScooby AssociationSevillashampoosheltersheltersshopshoppingSighthoundskydivesloveniasoapsociacion Protectora de Animales Chiripainasocial mediasophieSorti PoemspainSpanishspanish embassySpanish governmentspanish greyhoundspanish houndSpanish hunting greyhoundsSpecial Eventsponsorshipstanding order.helpstocking fillerstolenstraySupportt-shirtteethThe Galgo En CampoThe Galgo situation in SpainThe Greyhound ForumThunder shirttickticksTicks and tick borne diseasesTimes Education SupplementToxictrapstravellingtrusteeuniqueUSAVets CornerVet’s CornerVillamartin refugeVisit to SpainVisit to Spain – March 2018walkingwarsawwelfareWetnose Animal Awards 2013willWood Green Animal SheltersWorld Galgo Dayyearly fundraising day in schools for animals