In general, we are very happy with the outcome of the Congress because it has been the big opportunity to finally open the doors with Badajoz City Council.
We’ve been trying for years to get them to see that our projects are the result of works and collaborations which are doing very well in other cities and the simple fact that they welcomed us was a miracle.
This congress and the two previous ones have convinced them that these are serious and necessary proceedings from the outset to protect and defend animals and that ADANA is a serious organisation.
Agustin Mansilla Zambrano has organised all the congresses together with the School of Lawyers of Badajoz.
Agustin is a member of ADANA and a collegiate lawyer. He has represented ADANA in all trials attended with magnificent results.
We’ve had many problems with this congress to agree a definite date. Although initially the School of Lawyers seemed happy with all the proposals we made, every time we proposed a date it was not convenient for them and this made it very difficult to organise the speakers and, of course, to spread the word so that as many interested people as possible could attend.
I’m not going to go into detail because it has been really extremely disagreeable and many times we felt like throwing in the towel but we have to say that one of the reasons the congress was finally held was thanks to the insistence and help from GIN.
Despite this, there were 36 registrations. People came from Asturias, Madrid, Andalucía and different areas of Extremadura and we counted on the Mayor who opened the congress and this would have been unthinkable a few years ago.
All the speakers were exceptional and they literally had to throw us out of the meeting room because it was so interesting and we didn’t want it to end.
The attendees participated like never before and many stayed for the dinner in order to continue talking, exchanging experiences, opinions and contact numbers for the future.
It’s clear that to organise a congress like that every year is very complicated. The speakers’ diaries are already almost full for the year but we want to have a meeting to discuss just this topic when we return from holidays.
There are many things we have to improve but we all agree that this has been the best congress out of the three.