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The first greyhound rescued from Spain

Masay and the Rescue from Mallorca In July 1991 a horrific, heartrending article appeared in a British national newspaper about Irish greyhounds exported to Spain for racing. I knew of the scandal and had been engaged in campaigning against the export for some time....

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A guide to best practice – greyhounds

Introduction This code of practice has been produced by the animal welfare agencies that make up the Greyhound Forum and International Greyhound Forum whose members are listed above. The Code is intended to be of assistance to those who own and train racing greyhounds...

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Charter for the Racing Greyhound Launched

Thursday 16th May 2002 saw the launch of the Charter. Clarissa Baldwin, Chairperson, Lord Lipsey and members of the Greyhound Forum are seen here in front of the Houses of Parliament with 16 ex-racing greyhounds who officially unveiled the Charter by "signing" the...

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The Greyhound Charter (2002)

A CHARTER FOR THE RACING GREYHOUND The registered owner and or keeper of a greyhound should take full responsibility for the physical and mental well being of the greyhound and should do so with full regard to the dog's future welfare.  All greyhounds should be...

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The Story of Valiente – Peace at Last (2002)

Valiente was found injured and starved in the basement of a disused building in Madrid, where he had crawled after being hit by a car, and where he was being eaten by rats. He was brought into care, and with help from us and others, recovered sufficiently with...

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The Story of Valiente

The story of Valiente - peace at last (10.11.01) This young galgo was found in an abandoned house by Cristina Garcia Moreno of PROA organisation Madrid, who had been alerted that a stray galgo was in that area in a distressed state. [gallery columns="4" size="medium"...

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Information from Amigos del los Galgos (2003)

ANIMALS CANNOT SPEAK BUT SUFFER HELP US TO SAVE THEM FROM INDIGNITY AND ABUSE AMIGOS DE LOS GALGOS Greetings from Claudia and her friends WITHOUT YOUR HELP WE CAN´T CONTINUE HISTORY: Amigos de los Galgos is an association for animal protection born in 1998, firstly...

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The nature of the problem

Warning: You may find some of the articles and images under this heading disturbing We at GIN dedicate ourselves to every greyhound and galgo in need, in the hope that our efforts will improve the quality of the lives of some. We apologise to all those whom we cannot...

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The Greyhounds and Galgos of Spain

"The Greyhounds and Galgos of Spain", chapter written by Anne Finch in 1999, for the book All Bets Are Off!: The Race for Survival for the Greyhounds of Spain, published by Greyhound Friends North Carolina, available from the GIN Shop at £12. The book was edited by...

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A day in the life of Anne Finch (2001)

(Written November 2001 and printed in “Introducing Animals”, Winter 2001/2002, published by Amra Media solutions ) The public's view of an animal welfare worker spending time walking of fussing homeless dogs or introducing one lucky pet needing a home, to a welcoming...

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Galgos to Slovenia 2020

We were pleased to hear from Nina of SASIN in Slovenia that she and her team had been able to go to Arca de Noe in Albacete to collect more galgos for homing. Many transports had to be postponed earlier this year due to the coronavirus situation, so it was good that...

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Galgos for France 2020

We were pleased to hear from Sole, Arca de Noe in Albacete, that 52 galgos have travelled to France to new homes. Le clan des levriers found great homes for 4 galgos and Levriers 74 found 48 very good families. We have been able to fund the veterinary costs for these...

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Life with a Galgo – Purdy part I

Life with a Galgo - Purdy part I Hi everybody, this time it’s my turn to let you know what home life is like with Judy and Mark and their five other hounds. Just under six months from my arrival in Rugby – the house training issue was resolved. I no longer worry about...

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Memoirs of a Party Animal

Memoirs of a Party Animal – My Seven Decades in Animal Welfare by Angela Humphery (wife of our Trustee, Martin). "Loved animals from the day I was born and held first fundraiser aged 10 for the PDSA. Now 84 just self-published 1st/last book MEMOIRS OF A PARTY ANIMAL -...

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Problems of the musculo-skeletal system

Greyhound trainers can be very expert in spotting and treating problems arising from old racing injuries. Greyhounds not only suffer leg injuries, but their necks and backs do take a beating too on the race track, for example at the pick up when dogs hurtle at high...

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