• The registered owner and or keeper of a greyhound should take full responsibility for the physical and mental well being of the greyhound and should do so with full regard to the dog’s future welfare. 
  • All greyhounds should be permanently identified, properly registered and relevant records kept by the owner and or keeper. 
  • All greyhounds should be fully vaccinated by a Veterinary Surgeon and provided with a current Certificate of Vaccination. 
  • All greyhounds must be provided with suitable food and accommodation and have unrestricted access to clean fresh water. 
  • Adequate arrangements must be made to allow for exercise and socialisation. 
  • Breeding and Rearing – over-production of greyhounds through indiscriminate breeding must be avoided. Where a racing greyhound is bred from, the long term welfare of the bitch and puppies must be paramount. 
  • Training must be conducted so as to safeguard the long term welfare of the dog. 
  • Where destruction is inevitable, greyhounds should be euthanased humanely by the intravenous injection of a suitable drug administered under the supervision of a Veterinary Surgeon. 
  • When transported all greyhounds should do so in safety and comfort. 
  • All tracks should appoint a member of staff responsible for animal welfare. 
  • A supervising Veterinary Surgeon must be present whenever greyhounds are raced at tracks. 
  • Tracks and kennels must be designed and maintained to ensure the highest welfare standards for the racing greyhound. 
  • Greyhounds must only race if passed fit by a Veterinary Surgeon immediately prior to racing. 
  • Greyhounds must be entitled to receive emergency veterinary care if injured. 
  • Drugs which may affect the performance of a greyhound when racing should not be permitted. 
  • The Industry must endeavour to ensure that all racecourses have a properly funded home-finding scheme for retired greyhounds in operation. Such schemes should work closely with other welfare and charitable bodies seeking to find good homes for ex-racing greyhounds.

Charter for the Racing Greyhound Launched

A guide to best practice – greyhounds