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First Aid

Trained first aiders will not be surprised to learn that similar techniques apply to their dogs too. First and foremost is to ensure that the airway is free of loose teeth or foreign bodies in the case of choking, accident or of blow to the head. Lie the...

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missing or stolen sighthounds

Don’t Risk It!!Please do not leave greyhounds and lurchers in unlocked cars, or tied up outside shops or unobserved in your garden! They get stolen. Many, sadly, have been reported missing from all over the country.If your dog is lost there is one...

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the last years and bereavement

We who choose to surround ourselveswith lives even moretemporary than our ownlive within a fragile circle,easily and often breached.Unable to accept its awful gaps,we still would live no other way"Irving Townsend  Last years(Taken from Anne Finch's book...

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Walking with a greyhound

We have been busy recently working on a book (with my father) which we hope will raise some money for GRWE (Greyhound Rescue West of England). The book comprises a description of a number of walks in Herefordshire, together with some local history. Gabby...

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The Sighthound family

the greyhound with some of his cousins at Tammsvik Breed descriptions by courtesy of Espen Engh from Part 1 and Part 1V of Ringpress’s wonderful book “The Ultimate Greyhound” ed. Mark Sullivan, available from GIN @ £25 plus postage. Anne contributed Part...

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Heart Disease in Dogs

Vet’s Corner - Heart Disease in Dogs Heart disease comes in many forms but the two main categories would be acquired and congenital disease.Congenital disease is where a heart problem is present from birth whereas acquired disease occurs later in life....

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What Makes Greyhounds Unique?

Vet’s Corner - What Makes Greyhounds Unique?- A Vet PerspectiveGreyhounds are one of a kind. Their sweet-nature, adaptability and laid-back attitude makes them suitable for all kinds of families and situations. Not only are they unique dogs in terms of...

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Pet Insurance

Without a doubt the UK has long been known as a nation of animal lovers. For many of us, our pets are a big part of our lives and are considered one of the family. Therefore, when they fall ill or are involved in an accident, it can be a very stressful...

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Book Review

Problems of rehoming GreyhoundsTHE AUTHOR of the book The Pet Owner's Guide to the Greyhound, Anne Finch, has a special interest in Greyhounds, not only because of their gentle and loyal nature, but because of the unique problems presented by the huge...

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Ear Tattoos

Identifying your greyhound - ear tattoos English bred greyhounds will have ear tattoos usually consisting of three letters and a figure in the right ear. The figure denotes the number of the pup in the litter. If the number in the letter litter is more than nine,...

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Reactive Dogs (UK)

A supporter of GIN has made us aware of this group. The galgos are not an aggressive breed but many can be timid, nervous, anxious and need time to gain their confidence again. Walking nervous dogs can be challenging. This group offers support to owners of all breeds...

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Thunder Shirts

OK - so Arthur isn't a greyhound or a galgo but I am still this black lurcher's proud 'Mum'. I am hoping that Arthur's fear of fireworks and what I use to help him overcome his anxiety - may assist in calming other hounds in a similar situation?Arthur is...

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Greyhounds and cats 2

Apologies but we do not know the author of this article. If you recognise it, could you please contact us so we can credit the article accordingly. We got our new greyhound, Lukas, from Johanna Beumer of the RGT at Waltham Abbey. He is a 5 year old dark...

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Greyhound/ Cat Introductions

A lot of people seem more than daunted by the thought of introducing greyhounds to cats and as there are always waiting lists for 'cat-friendly' greyhounds a lot of others who could be taught to live happily with cats could be missing out on the homes they...

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112carlotagalgosAcupunctureADANAadoptaggressionAlabama RotAlbaceteAmazonAmazonSmileAMIGOS DE LOS GALGOSAMNISTIA ANIMALamputationAndaluciaangela humpheryAnimales VagabundosAnimal Friends InsuranceAnimal Protection Law of Extremaduraanimalsanimal welfareAnne FinchanniversaryanxiousAPAPAAPA Santa ClaraAPA Santa Clara shelterappappealArca de NoeArchiveAsociacion Protectora de AnimalesAssociation for the Defense of AnimalsBaasgalgoBach Flower RemediesBadajozbaileybarfbathtimeBattersea Dogs and Cats Homebedsbereavementbest practiceblanketsblindbloatBlue Crossbody fatBorisBritish Greyhound Racing BoardbulletincalmingCampeonata de Espana de GalgosCanine OsteoarthritiscardsCastilla La ManchaCataloguecatscharitycharterChristmasChuecaCIOClub Nacional del Galgo Españolcoatcoatscollarcollarscollecting tincompetitioncopley juniorscornsCoronvirusCovidCreeping DandruffCÁCERESDefradelayed bleedingDental caredepartment for educationDia Del GalgodietdiseasediseasesdistemperdogdogsDogs Trustdog tracksdonatedonationdrinking from toiletear tattooseco friendlyeducationEl Cuidado Del Galgo De CarrerasEUEuropeExtremaduraFearFebruaryFiesta NacionalFireworksFirst Aidfive freedomsFoodfrancefundraisinggalgagalgoGalgo Coursing SpaingalgosGalgos del SolGalgos en FamiliaGalgos Sin FronterasGalgos to the UKgalguerogalguerosgamegiftgift aidGovernment of Andalucigravegreyhoundgreyhound cat introductiongreyhound collarGreyhound Friendsgreyhound racingGreyhound Rescue west of Englandgreyhoundsgreyhounds in need CIOGreyhounds without FrontiersGreyhound TalesGreyhound trainershamperhangingharnessHealthHeart Diseasehelpholidayhome at lasthome learningHomeopathyhominghoming packhoming Questionairehuntinghunting dogsICAWCIII Congress of Animal Law of ExtremaduraIllustrious College of Lawyers of BadajozinsuranceInternational Companion Animal Welfare Conferenceirishirish greyhoundirish greyhoundsJenny SeagrovekitknitknittingLA ASOCIACIÓN CACEREÑA PARA LA DEFENSA DE LOS ANIMALESLA ASOCIACIÓN DE ANIMALES ABANDONADOS DE TORREVIEJALA ASOCIACIÓN PARA EL RESPETO Y CUIDADO DE LOS ANIMALESLA ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA DEFENSA DE LOS ANIMALESLA ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA LIBERACIÓN Y EL BIENESTAR ANIMALLA ASOCIACIÓN PROTECTORA DE ANIMALES Y PLANTASLA SOCIEDAD DE PROTECTORA DE ANIMALES Y PLANTESLA SOCIEDAD PROTECTORA DE ALCALÁ DE HENARESlasting giftLavia poemlaylaleadLe clan des levrierslegacyLeishmanialetterLevriersLife with a Galgoll Bets Are Off!: The Race for Survival for the Greyhounds of SpainlostmadridmediterraneanMediterranean parasites and diseasesmemoirsMerchandiseMeridiana Greyhound trackMinister of the Environment in Spainmissing petsmultilingualmurciamusculo-skeletalmuzzlesNAC (No Hunting) PlatformNational Greyhound Racing ClubNational Law of Protection of Animalsnatural dog shampoo barsNatural Remediesnervousnew homesNewsNews from SpainNewsletterNoah's Arc rescuenoisy breathingNorth Shore LeagueosteomyelitisParalysis of the LarynxpassingPep's KennelsPep’s kennels in VicpetPeter Eganpet insurancepetitionphotosPRO-GALGOPROAProblems of rehoming Greyhoundsprotestpurdyquarantineracingracing dogsRacing Greyhoundracion de Protectoras de Animales de Extremadurarafflerainbowrawraw feedingRaw foodRDukreactivereactive dogsRECALRECAL. EL REFUGIO CANINO DE ALMENDRALEJOred blood cellsRefugio KimbarehomedrehomingrescueResidencia Canina El Planasricky gervaisriskRomeRosaRSPCASASINschoolsScooby AssociationSevillashampoosheltersheltersshopshoppingSighthoundskydivesloveniasoapsociacion Protectora de Animales Chiripainasocial mediasophieSorti PoemspainSpanishspanish embassySpanish governmentspanish greyhoundspanish houndSpanish hunting greyhoundsSpecial Eventsponsorshipstanding order.helpstocking fillerstolenstraySupportt-shirtteethThe Galgo En CampoThe Galgo situation in SpainThe Greyhound ForumThunder shirttickticksTicks and tick borne diseasesTimes Education SupplementToxictrapstravellingtrusteeuniqueUSAVets CornerVet’s CornerVillamartin refugeVisit to SpainVisit to Spain – March 2018walkingwarsawwelfareWetnose Animal Awards 2013willWood Green Animal SheltersWorld Galgo Dayyearly fundraising day in schools for animals