Galgos for France 2020

We were pleased to hear from Sole, Arca de Noe in Albacete, that 52 galgos have travelled to France to new homes. Le clan des levriers found great homes for 4 galgos and Levriers 74 found 48 very good families. We have been able to fund the veterinary costs for these...

Life with a Galgo – Purdy part I

Life with a Galgo – Purdy part I Hi everybody, this time it’s my turn to let you know what home life is like with Judy and Mark and their five other hounds. Just under six months from my arrival in Rugby – the house training issue was resolved. I no longer worry...

Memoirs of a Party Animal

Memoirs of a Party Animal – My Seven Decades in Animal Welfare by Angela Humphery (wife of our Trustee, Martin). “Loved animals from the day I was born and held first fundraiser aged 10 for the PDSA. Now 84 just self-published 1st/last book MEMOIRS OF A PARTY...

Problems of the musculo-skeletal system

Greyhound trainers can be very expert in spotting and treating problems arising from old racing injuries. Greyhounds not only suffer leg injuries, but their necks and backs do take a beating too on the race track, for example at the pick up when dogs hurtle at high...