The rescue, export and homing of galgos

(Article written for Andalucian Galgo Magazine, by Anne Finch) As a UK charity, Greyhounds in Need, we first became aware of the unfortunate lives of galgos in 1996, following on our concern since 1991 for the Irish greyhounds exported then to the dog tracks at...

The real problem in Spain

The real galgo problem in Spain as described by those working tirelessly to help. From Mo Swatek Garcia Santos, PRO-GALGO, Barcelona …the cruel hangings of the of hounds is again given so much publicity (this year have been found less than 10 cases!) but nobody speaks...

The History of GIN (2001)

1983 – Adopted 11 year old Labrador (retired guide dog) and started caring for abandoned dogs in refuges in UK and became aware of the problem of unwanted greyhounds in UK. (1/3rd of inmates of refuges were greyhounds). Took blankets and supplies to refuges for them...

Plight of the greyhound in Europe (2001)

Article written for German Magazine (2001) Dear Readers, We have become more aware of the plight of greyhounds in Europe and elsewhere over the last 10 years, though their suffering has gone on for decades. Their qualities as swift hunters have been a thorn in the...