We are pleased to be working with Anna and her team at SOS Galgos, Barcelona. They have been helping greyhounds and galgos for many years and we have been pleased to help with some boarding and transport costs for some of the galgos they have helped. We have known for...

Latest Transportations

More transportations have taken place in the last few months and we are grateful to everyone involved for working hard to make this happen. The shelters have been busy getting the galgos ready for the transports. Tina and her team at Galgos del Sol prepared 16 galgos...

Christmas Raffle – Win a luxury hamper

This year, for the first time, we are organising a Christmas Raffle to win a Luxury Hamper.  The Draw will take place on 15th December 2021.  We hope we can count on your support. Please print and complete Christmas raffle 2021 and send with your payment to:...

T-Shirt with Design by Ricky Gervais

Ricky Gervais, one of our wonderful Patrons has kindly created a design signed by him, to go on GIN T-shirts.  Don’t miss out on the opportunity to buy one or more of these T-shirts and support Greyhounds in Need – they will make great gifts! Thank you...

The Plight of Greyhounds (1995)

The plight of the greyhounds: Some 14,000 greyhounds are bred every year in Ireland. Annually, 1000 are exported to Spain; 9000 to Britain and other countries where animals are treated poorly. Britain breeds an additional 5000 greyhounds annually. It is not difficult...