We are pleased to be working with Anna and her team at SOS Galgos, Barcelona. They have been helping greyhounds and galgos for many years and we have been pleased to help with some boarding and transport costs for some of the galgos they have helped.
We have known for some time that Anna wanted to have her own kennels and were thrilled to hear that she recently signed the lease on kennels in Barcelona and they will be called “SOS Galgos Rescue and Education Centre”
They are currently busy getting the new centre ready to receive galgos and we have been able to offer funding towards the new fencing that was required to improve access and security.
Photos from SOS Galgos
They also work hard on promoting legislation, informing and educating the public, and working to change the Spanish perception towards galgos. We are very pleased that they are keen to promote and use our educational material and their new centre will have a separate area devoted to education.
We recently sent them three large boxes of coats, blankets, leads and dog bowls along with more educational material.