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Vet’s Corner – Raw Feed Diets: Friend or Foe?

The practice of feeding a raw meat-based diet has seen significant growth over the past decade. It is a subject that divides opinion, even in the veterinary industry, with varying arguments from nutritional implications to wider health impacts. The lack of any...

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Vet’s Corner—Ticks and tick-borne diseases

What is a tick, and where does it live? Ticks are parasites that need to consume blood from a host animal to survive. They split their time between grassy environments and feeding on host animals (such as dogs, birds and humans). The adult, nymphal and larval stages...

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Vet’s Corner – Blue-Green Algae

What is Blue-Green Algae? Blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) are microscopic bacteria found in freshwater lakes, streams and ponds. They can produce toxins that affect people, livestock and pets that swim in and drink from the contaminated water. Blue - green algae will...

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Vet’s Corner — Getting through Firework Season

While many of us look forward to bonfire night and fireworks season, this can be a very stressful time for our pets. Around 80% of pet owners have had a pet that is afraid of fireworks. This fact sheet is designed to help you make this time a little easier for your...

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Vet’s Corner — Canine Osteoarthritis: Q & A

What is Osteoarthritis and Why is My Dog Affected? Osteoarthritis is a degenerative problem that affects one or more of the joints in the body. Commonly affected joints include the hips, elbows and stifles. Symptoms of osteoarthritis are joint pain and stiffness,...

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Vet’s Corner – Alabama Rot

GIN has received the following information and advice from their vet regarding Alabama Rot: Following the recent news on the BBC and in the papers about a mystery disease that has caused 17 dogs to die in the UK , we hope this information provides some peace of mind....

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Vet’s Corner – Heart Disease in Dogs

Heart disease comes in many forms, but the two main categories would be acquired and congenital disease. Congenital disease is where a heart problem is present from birth whereas acquired disease occurs later in life. This article will discuss acquired heart disease...

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The Galgo situation in Spain – ADANA

We are very aware that much of the help we are able to give to the shelters in Spain, thanks to the generosity of our supporters, is at best first aid. Our education programme is very much a long-term project but like many charities we feel that education is the way...

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Our Work in Spain 08.10.11

Over the last six months we have been doing a lot of work on the Educational programme. We have been very grateful for all the help and support we have had from Sam and Emma, the education consultants. More copies of the booklet are being printed – this has been...

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Andalucia to Extremadura 22.04.12

Our recent visit to Spain started in the Andalucía region, in Malaga. We first visited Vera Thorenaar Reddering of Galgos en Familia. Vera, originally from Holland, has lived in Spain for many years and in recent years has got involved helping the galgos in her area...

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112carlotagalgos, Malaga 26/04/14

We last visited Charlotte and Dioni of 112carlotagalgos in 2012 but since that visit they have moved to a small finca. As soon as we arrived at the finca we were greeted by Charlotte and Dioni’s own dogs. The finca is lovely and a great place for the galgos to be...

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Merchandise Catalogue 2021

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Wetnose Animal Awards 2013

We have just seen a wonderful, and in my view thoroughly justified, tribute to our work and to your support by the award of “Best Welfare Success” at the annual Wetnose Animal Awards. The awards ceremony was held in March at the Carlton Tower Hotel in London and those...

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112carlotagalgosAcupunctureADANAadoptaggressionAlabama RotAlbaceteAmazonAmazonSmileAMIGOS DE LOS GALGOSAMNISTIA ANIMALamputationAndaluciaangela humpheryAnimales VagabundosAnimal Friends InsuranceAnimal Protection Law of Extremaduraanimalsanimal welfareAnne FinchanniversaryanxiousAPAPAAPA Santa ClaraAPA Santa Clara shelterappappealArca de NoeArchiveAsociacion Protectora de AnimalesAssociation for the Defense of AnimalsBaasgalgoBach Flower RemediesBadajozbaileybarfbathtimeBattersea Dogs and Cats Homebedsbereavementbest practiceblanketsblindbloatBlue Crossbody fatBorisBritish Greyhound Racing BoardbulletincalmingCampeonata de Espana de GalgosCanine OsteoarthritiscardsCastilla La ManchaCataloguecatscharitycharterChristmasChuecaCIOClub Nacional del Galgo Españolcoatcoatscollarcollarscollecting tincompetitioncopley juniorscornsCoronvirusCovidCreeping DandruffCÁCERESDefradelayed bleedingDental caredepartment for educationDia Del GalgodietdiseasediseasesdistemperdogdogsDogs Trustdog tracksdonatedonationdrinking from toiletear tattooseco friendlyeducationEl Cuidado Del Galgo De CarrerasEUEuropeExtremaduraFearFebruaryFiesta NacionalFireworksFirst Aidfive freedomsFoodfrancefundraisinggalgagalgoGalgo Coursing SpaingalgosGalgos del SolGalgos en FamiliaGalgos Sin FronterasGalgos to the UKgalguerogalguerosgamegiftgift aidGovernment of Andalucigravegreyhoundgreyhound cat introductiongreyhound collarGreyhound Friendsgreyhound racingGreyhound Rescue west of Englandgreyhoundsgreyhounds in need CIOGreyhounds without FrontiersGreyhound TalesGreyhound trainershamperhangingharnessHealthHeart Diseasehelpholidayhome at lasthome learningHomeopathyhominghoming packhoming Questionairehuntinghunting dogsICAWCIII Congress of Animal Law of ExtremaduraIllustrious College of Lawyers of BadajozinsuranceInternational Companion Animal Welfare Conferenceirishirish greyhoundirish greyhoundsJenny SeagrovekitknitknittingLA ASOCIACIÓN CACEREÑA PARA LA DEFENSA DE LOS ANIMALESLA ASOCIACIÓN DE ANIMALES ABANDONADOS DE TORREVIEJALA ASOCIACIÓN PARA EL RESPETO Y CUIDADO DE LOS ANIMALESLA ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA DEFENSA DE LOS ANIMALESLA ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA LIBERACIÓN Y EL BIENESTAR ANIMALLA ASOCIACIÓN PROTECTORA DE ANIMALES Y PLANTASLA SOCIEDAD DE PROTECTORA DE ANIMALES Y PLANTESLA SOCIEDAD PROTECTORA DE ALCALÁ DE HENARESlasting giftLavia poemlaylaleadLe clan des levrierslegacyLeishmanialetterLevriersLife with a Galgoll Bets Are Off!: The Race for Survival for the Greyhounds of SpainlostmadridmediterraneanMediterranean parasites and diseasesmemoirsMerchandiseMeridiana Greyhound trackMinister of the Environment in Spainmissing petsmultilingualmurciamusculo-skeletalmuzzlesNAC (No Hunting) PlatformNational Greyhound Racing ClubNational Law of Protection of Animalsnatural dog shampoo barsNatural Remediesnervousnew homesNewsNews from SpainNewsletterNoah's Arc rescuenoisy breathingNorth Shore LeagueosteomyelitisParalysis of the LarynxpassingPep's KennelsPep’s kennels in VicpetPeter Eganpet insurancepetitionphotosPRO-GALGOPROAProblems of rehoming Greyhoundsprotestpurdyquarantineracingracing dogsRacing Greyhoundracion de Protectoras de Animales de Extremadurarafflerainbowrawraw feedingRaw foodRDukreactivereactive dogsRECALRECAL. EL REFUGIO CANINO DE ALMENDRALEJOred blood cellsRefugio KimbarehomedrehomingrescueResidencia Canina El Planasricky gervaisriskRomeRosaRSPCASASINschoolsScooby AssociationSevillashampoosheltersheltersshopshoppingSighthoundskydivesloveniasoapsociacion Protectora de Animales Chiripainasocial mediasophieSorti PoemspainSpanishspanish embassySpanish governmentspanish greyhoundspanish houndSpanish hunting greyhoundsSpecial Eventsponsorshipstanding order.helpstocking fillerstolenstraySupportt-shirtteethThe Galgo En CampoThe Galgo situation in SpainThe Greyhound ForumThunder shirttickticksTicks and tick borne diseasesTimes Education SupplementToxictrapstravellingtrusteeuniqueUSAVets CornerVet’s CornerVillamartin refugeVisit to SpainVisit to Spain – March 2018walkingwarsawwelfareWetnose Animal Awards 2013willWood Green Animal SheltersWorld Galgo Dayyearly fundraising day in schools for animals