Petition news (2010)

In our last newsletter, I told you about the online petition we had mounted calling on the Spanish Government, during their presidency of the EU, to enact and enforce measures to curb the continuing  appalling cruelty to galgos. We were delighted to achieve 16,738...

Our Work in Spain (2011)

Last year when we visited the RECAL shelter in Almendralejo, run by Mada, we were able to see for ourselves how hard Mada and her few helpers have to work looking after so many dogs. Already this year we have taken many galgos from her. Some of these galgos have been...

Residencia Canina El Planas

Residencia Canina El Planas, better known to us as Pep’s kennels in Vic. I last visited Vic over seven years ago when we first started to board our rescue dogs with him. At that time Pep was building some more kennels on his land and also converting an old barn to...

DEFRA Quarantine Rules (2012)

New DEFRA Quarantine Rules From 1st January,2012 the UK will harmonise its pet movement rules with the rest of the European Union. All pets will still need to be vaccinated against rabies. Pets from the EU and listed non-EU countries will no longer need a blood test...