
We need volunteers of all shapes and sizes!

For office work:

Our office is based in Egham, Surrey, and we are often looking for volunteers to help with general office duties, especially at busy times.

For events:

We also attend/organise fundraising events, mostly local to our office, and often require help to prepare items for our stalls. But we are looking for volunteers to run stalls and events up and down the country. GIN is being offered an ever-increasing number of opportunities for running stalls and participating in events but the actual work of it usually falls on our same old faithfuls who loyally stumble out of their pits at some unearthly hour on a Saturday or Sunday morning, load their cars to the gunnels and return knackered to face their own household chores at the end of their precious weekend off work!  We do enjoy it; we bring our dogs, we have a laugh, and it is essential for the ongoing rescue work of GIN, but if this task could be shared, it would be a little easier for us and if there is an event taking place, near you, why not contact us and give us a hand!

For rehoming:

We bring galgos (Spanish greyhounds) to the UK for homing and often need help with home visits, follow-up visits for adopters, dog walking, and kennel visits. We always need more home checkers, so if you are familiar with greyhounds, willing to share your experience with prospective adopters and happy to help us in this respect, we would be pleased to hear from you.

If you feel you can help us, please give us a call on 01784 483206 or email us info@greyhoundsinneed.co.uk