Team Tracey and Spenny’s Skydive

Team Tracey and Spenny’s Skydive

  The countdown is now on 🪂🪂😱 Thank you to everyone that has already donated to one of the charities we are raising money for, your kind donation is much appreciated 🙏 We hope to reach our targets for each charity before the big day on 20th August ( weather...


  Many of you will remember galgo Moo who came to the UK in June 2021.  Soon after being adopted he was diagnosed with a jaw problem and had to undergo major surgery.   It was a complex operation carried out by specialist vets and two further operations were...

Transportation to Slovenia – July 2022

Nina and her team from SASIN recently travelled to Arca de Noe in Albacete to collect more lucky galgos for homing in Slovenia. Nina wrote “……..All dogs are doing great and families are happy to have them. Lucero, one of them is very shy, and we...

April and May transports to GACI, Italy

In the last two months more lucky greyhounds and galgos have been transported to the Greyhound Adopt Centre Italy in Modena for homing. The galgos came from Arca de Noe and you can see videos of their arrival in Italy here     GACI were also able to...

Tandem Sky Dive

Our Deputy General Manager, Tracey Sanderson, will be celebrating a special birthday later this year.  One thing on her bucket list to do before the big day is a  Tandem Sky Dive.  We think she is very brave and she is going to raise funds for three...