The Greyhounds and Galgos of Spain

“The Greyhounds and Galgos of Spain”, chapter written by Anne Finch in 1999, for the book All Bets Are Off!: The Race for Survival for the Greyhounds of Spain, published by Greyhound Friends North Carolina, available from the GIN Shop at £12. The book was...

Galgos to Slovenia 2020

We were pleased to hear from Nina of SASIN in Slovenia that she and her team had been able to go to Arca de Noe in Albacete to collect more galgos for homing. Many transports had to be postponed earlier this year due to the coronavirus situation, so it was good that...

GalGo! Game & Knitting

Are your youngsters looking for new activities right now? We have lots of free, fun, learning activities on our education website.  Why not play our GalGo! Game?  It’s GREYT fun!! Also, did you know that knitting has many social, emotional, and developmental...