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Team Tracey and Spenny’s Skydive

Team Tracey and Spenny’s Skydive

  The countdown is now on 🪂🪂😱 Thank you to everyone that has already donated to one of the charities we are raising money for, your kind donation is...

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  Many of you will remember galgo Moo who came to the UK in June 2021.  Soon after being adopted he was diagnosed with a jaw problem and had to...

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Shop for the shelters

We've added a new function to our online shop. You can now 'shop for the shelters' by letting us know during the checkout process which items in...

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Summer Raffle 2022

We are again having a Summer Raffle. The draw will be on 26th August, 2022. If you would like tickets please call us on 01784 483206 or email –...

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Tandem Sky Dive

Our Deputy General Manager, Tracey Sanderson, will be celebrating a special birthday later this year.  One thing on her bucket list to do before the...

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Transports to GACI, Italy

  More lucky galgos have been transported from Arca de Noe, Albacete to GACI and you can see a video of their arrival in Italy here plus some photos...

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Transportation to Slovenia

  More lucky galgos travelled to Slovenia from Arca de Noe earlier this month thanks to Nina and her team at SASIN. Anioa, Canela-male, Canela...

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  The UK has recently seen an increase in the number of dogs presenting with symptoms of Brucella canis. Brucella canis is zoonotic to humans and...

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