Thanks to our Trustees, Christine, who manages our Facebook page and Pat, who manages Twitter for us we continue to receive a lot of interest in our work and many likes and tweets. We aim to keep these as up to date as possible, linking some items with our Instagram account. It’s lovely to see that some of our galgos have their own Instagram accounts, they are very clever, and we can keep an eye on them and see what they are getting up to!
We have recently added a new group under our Facebook page called – Greyhounds in Need Home at Last
This is a group that people ask to join, via FB, and then they can add news and photos of their dogs and be in touch with other galgo and greyhounds adopters. It has started well and it is nice to see adopters of our greyhounds and galgos discussing their dogs and sharing news, photos and videos on their progress.
Please take a look and join us –