Page 30 - SpringSummerNL23
P. 30

News from Cheshire and the North West

      Happy Springtime everyone,

      We are looking forward to the next few months and hopefully the better weather after
      a quiet time over the winter.

      We did not manage to organize as many get togethers
      and social dog walks as we had hoped, although we
      have been able to meet up with some of our friends,
      volunteers and their dogs at other social events,
      including Christmas and birthdays.
      It has been a very strange and quiet time for Phil and I,
      as for the first time in over 30 years we have not had at
      least one dog to love and care for.  We have had up to
      five greyhounds at any one time. We lost our beloved
      Trish on 2  December 2022. She had battled on for
      several months after her 13  birthday in August, but
      she finally passed away with a tumour after a wonderful
      long life. Rest in Peace our special girl with all those who
      have gone before you to Rainbow Bridge.

      We went ahead with the street collection in Cleveleys a
      week after we lost Trish, but it was not the same and we
      felt bereft without a dog. We noticed a real difference in passers by stopping to
      chat when we had no dogs to attract attention, even though we were very grateful to
      everyone who did come to support us with their dogs.

                                  The weather was also cold and miserable so donations
                                  were well down compared to previous years. We will
                                  organize another Cleveleys fundraiser for later in the
                                  year when we may have taken the plunge and adopted
                                  another dog so watch this

                                  Although we miss having a dog
                                  very much, the house seems
                                  so empty without a dog to
                                  greet us when we come home,
                                  we have decided to take
         Jen, Roy, Fred, Trish &   advantage by booking several
                                  holidays during the summer
        Sue on holiday in Cornwall   and autumn months.

      We are planning on returning to Cornwall in May and enjoying a
      different kind of holiday  without a dog, including travelling
      around on the buses with our bus passes now that Phil has
      officially retired!

      In order to “keep our hand in” we have been able to help out by   Lisa and  Fred
      looking after other people's dogs whilst they have been away on
      holiday, including two greyhounds for Phil's brother and Fred the greyhound and Lisa the
      galga for our friends Jen, Roy and Deb.   We really enjoyed having dogs back in the
      house again. Jen and Roy had looked after Trish whilst we were away in September and
      October last year, so we were glad to be able to reciprocate by looking after Fred for
      them in March.
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