Page 34 - SpringSummerNL23
P. 34

Vet’s Corner
    Otitis Externa (OE) is an ear condition characterised by inflammation of the ear
    canal, and occasionally the pinna (outside flap of the ear).

    Symptoms include:

        •    Head shaking
        •    Scratching at the ears
        •    Redness and swelling in the ear canal
        •    Discharge from the ears
        •    Foul odor
        •    Pain when the ears are touched or rubbed
        •    Loss of hearing or balance

    If the ear canal is narrowed, this can encourage infection from bacteria and
    yeasts. It can affect both ears at once or just one and can be acute (sudden
    onset) or chronic (long-term).

    What causes it?

        -   Parasites (e.g. the ear mite, Otodectes cyanotes)
        -   Allergies (food allergies, environmental allergies, contact hyper-
        -   Trauma (excessive ear cleaning or scratching)
        -   Endocrine disease (e.g. hypothyroidism)
        -   Foreign bodies (e.g. grass seeds)
        -   Aural polyps
        -     Cancer

    The most common cause is allergies (atopic dermatitis).

    The main perpetuating factor is bacteria (most commonly Staphylococcus spp and
    Pseudomonas spp) and yeasts (most commonly Malassezia spp). If the infection
    spreads it can reach the middle ear (past the eardrum), causing a condition called
    otitis media.


    Dogs with longer ears are more at risk of developing otitis externa, such as
    Basset Hounds and Beagles. Dogs with erect ears have a lesser risk than other
    breeds. Brachycephalic breeds, like the Pug or French Bulldog, are more likely to
    develop otitis externa.

    Dogs who are predisposed to atopic dermatitis are also predisposed to otitis
    externa. In addition, dogs exposed to moisture, such as through regular
    swimming, are at increased risk. Dogs who are overweight, or produce more
    cerumen (ear wax) are also at risk.

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