Page 32 - SpringSummerNL23
P. 32

Galga Bambi

     In January 2023, it was Bambi’s first year enjoying home-life. From day
     one she was house-trained and has never put a foot wrong since.

     However, like Purdy her predecessor, she is a ‘grass!’ Should any other
     dog take up residence in ‘her’ bed then we must be alerted so that the
     infiltrator can be ‘ousted’. The
     main culprit is Sprocket, our
     (very) elderly lurcher from a NE
     dog pound. He seems to delight in
     making himself at home in any
     bed other than his own. This
     often puts the other dogs’ noses
     out of joint as rather than just
     settle in an unoccupied bed – of
     which there is no shortage – most
     of the hounds just stand there
     looking perplexed but not knowing                 Sprocket (left) and Bambi
     how to get Sprocket to vacate
     ‘their’ bed. Bambi however, has no qualms about snitching on him….but if
     we don’t happen to be around to hear her tale of woe – then she just gets
     into the bed with Sprocket!

                                  Bambi is still our No 1 guard dog and should
                                  anyone dare approach the house then they are
                                  met with a loud vocal warning and a frenzied
                                  bouncing up and down on the windowsill. Even
                                  our neighbours are not allowed visitors as
                                  Bambi’s warnings include any delivery vans or
                                  cars that dare to come down the road.  It’s
                                  just as well we live at the end of a cul-de-sac
                                  - at least we don’t get a steady stream of
                                  passing traffic!

                                  Despite her faults – none of our hounds is
                                  perfect – she is a very loving and devoted
                                  companion.  She adores her food, gets on
                                  really well with the other five hounds and like
                                  the majority of canine companions, she just
                                  loves to cuddle up close and enjoy lots of fuss
                                  and attention.
                                                                Judy Zatonski

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