Page 25 - SpringSummerNL23
P. 25


            On November 23   we      Toby
            had to say goodbye to
        our beloved Toby, the most
        beautiful, loving dog you
        could wish to have to share
        your life. He was said to be
        two when he came to us
        almost seven years ago,
        knowing nothing of the
        world and full of excitement
        to explore every new sight,
        sound and smell. Escapology
        was his special skill in the
        early days, causing us much
        anxiety, but he soon realised there was no place like home and settled
        happily on his personal sofa, which just happened to be the best in the
        house. To watch him run just for the fun of it was a joy and he made so
        many friends - with four legs and with two. Just over a year ago, he
        suddenly became ill and didn’t want to eat. A battery of tests showed up
        nothing, but the very last revealed a problem with his prostate and the
        heart-breaking prognosis was ‘anything from six weeks to a year’. We
        were determined to give our wonderful boy the best chance of enjoying
        every day and spare him the fear and stress that invasive treatment
        would bring and with medication, love and his own indomitable spirit, he
        beat the best case scenario. His last walk at his favourite enclosed field
        was like turning the clock back as he ran that flowing, effortless run and
        played as he always used to, but just a few days later he deteriorated
        suddenly and sharply and there was only one decision to be made. He died
        with us beside him and a light went out of our lives.    Lesley and Tony

             We were sad to hear from Else and Mike that they had to have their
             lovely dog,  Cooper put to sleep last December.  They miss him very
        much and so does their dog Kara.

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