Page 22 - SpringSummerNL23
P. 22

We are pleased that the education programme is going well again, reaching
      out to many children in Spain.  You can see from the photos on the next page
      that the children are enjoying their visits.  They get a chance to meet the
      galgos and learn about animal welfare.  They enjoy doing the crosswords,
      puzzles and reading to the galgos.  Below you can see some of the entries for
      our March competition.  It is never easy to choose the winners but the
      children like to take part and look forward to their prizes arriving from the

      We are grateful to Tina and Sam at Galgos del Sol in Murcia, Anna, Sara and
      the team at SOS Galgos in Barcelona, Antonio, Julia and galga Abi at Arca de
      Noe, Albacete and Patricia in Alicante for promoting the project and using
      GIN’s educational resources.  The feedback from teachers and parents is
      very positive and we are pleased to support and help as much as we can. Our
      hopes are that this project will support the teaching of English in Spanish
      schools, educate the children about the plight of the galgos and change the
      perception people have of these dogs. The aim is to develop empathy for dogs
      and help make a difference to the many that are in need of loving homes.

                        More competition entries can be seen here—

                             Galgo poster competition | Greyhounds In Need
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27