Page 18 - SpringSummerNL23
P. 18

A Day at SOS Galgos, Barcelona

       A day at SOS Galgos
       starts at 8 am .The
       team split into 2
       groups. One takes care
       of the galgo survivors
       we provide shelter to,
       the other prepares
       the classrooms for 50
       children to arrive.

       The first thing is to take the galgos that sleep
       in the indoor kennels and let them out into the
       courtyard. While the galgos are outside we
       clean after them and prepare their food. Once
       the kennels have been cleaned, we start to
       serve breakfast to all the galgo survivors. Once
       their bellies are full, it's time to medicate and
       treat those who need it.

       The rest of the morning is dedicated to taking
       the galgos out to exercise, clean the kennels
       and courtyards, put washes on, wash the food
       bowls, disinfect the drinking dishes and so on.
       The work of the volunteers is very important as
       the team alone can just about manage to cover
       all the tasks.

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