Page 13 - SpringSummerNL23
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Next thing to consider is Pet Insurance. We strongly recommend you take
       out insurance as a trip to the vets can quickly get expensive. I’m often
       asked who is good but there are so many companies out there and their
       policies change so I can only suggest that you take time to do some
       research.  If you haven’t used pet insurance before maybe ask pet owning
       family or friends of their experiences and of course reading reviews
       online can help and although they won’t recommend anyone you may be able
       to get some information from your local vet practice.  As with all insurance
       the costs and cover vary greatly so it’s really important to read the detail
       and really understand exactly what is covered and what isn’t.

       If you’re making online comparisons look for Galgo Espanol, Spanish
       Greyhound, Spanish Galgo or Spanish Hunting Dog on their breed lists
       when getting quotes.  Although you won’t know the exact details of your
       new dog yet it’s worth doing the research now so that you can get the
       insurance set up as soon as you’ve adopted.  Most of them have a 14 day
       period before they offer full cover.

       One final job to do, especially if a first time dog owner, is to hop online and
       check out the list of foods that are toxic to dogs.  They include common
       things like Onions, Chocolate, Artificial Sweetener (Xylitol),
       Grapes and Raisins.   There’s also lots of common plants that grow in the
       garden that can be dangerous for dogs so please do check your garden.
       Better safe than sorry.

       More information about Adoption is available on the GIN website or you
       can email me at and I’ll do my best to

       P.S Don’t forget to stock up on poo bags!

                                                  Sue Sarney
                                         Homing for Greyhounds in Need

              Please take a moment to visit our
                   Home at Last FB page
           and see news of happily homed galgos


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