Page 12 - SpringSummerNL23
P. 12

You will need ID tags made with your contact details on, as by law your dog
       must wear a collar with a tag when out in a public place and of course if lost
       can hopefully be reunited with you quickly.

                           A different lead I’ve successfully been using is one
                           with double handle loops.   I’ve found the second loop
                           is just in the right position to give you close control
                           when needed and the nylon material is comfortable to
                           hold.  Available online with lots of colour choices etc.
                           This one I use is 2.5cm wide and approximately 1.5m
                           long.  Once your galgo has settled in another useful
                           item to add to your list is a long line. This of course
                           should only be attached to a harness never to a
                           collar.  From experience I suggest a 5 metre line is a
       good length.  It’s long enough to practice a bit of recall and give your dog
       more freedom but not too long to get all tangled up in!

       Please DON’T use a retractable type as they do not give sufficient control
       and can be dangerous in certain situations, not least possibly causing your
       galgo to panic and run if the handle is accidentally pulled from your hand.

                               As galgos have very little body fat and very thin
                               natural coats, the next item on your shopping list
                               will be coats.  You will need two;  galgos definitely
                               don’t like rain, so a thin raincoat for those wet
                               days and a warm lined winter coat for when the
                               temperatures drop are essentials. These will get
                               you started and there are many more variations
                               that may be useful like a hi vis coat if you’re
                               walking in the dark during those winter months or
                               an indoor fleece for night time if you don’t have
                               your heating on but I suggest you start with the
                               basics and
       you’ll soon work out what else you
       need. Galgos like greyhounds are a
       specific body shape so you’re very
       unlikely to find the right coats at
       your local pet shop.  GIN do sell a
       nice range of well priced coats and
       of course every purchase from GIN
       helps towards the charity’s aim to
       support the welfare, rescue and
       rehoming of the Spanish Galgo.
                                           Obviously if you’re adopting you
                                           won’t know the size of coat you need
                                           until you’ve met your galgo but we
                                           suggest you browse the GIN shop
                                           beforehand, then we can help with
                                           supplying and fitting them on
                                           adoption day.

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