Page 9 - AutumnWinterNL22
P. 9

Our work involves considerable expenditure in Europe, primarily Spain, and
      we are careful to ensure the prudent retention of sufficient funds to cover
      current liabilities and to enable us to fulfil the commitments we have made
      to those we work with here and abroad and enable GIN to meet unexpected
      future needs.

      We are, as always, extremely grateful to our supporters who are kind
      enough to remember us in their wills. As with all other charities, legacies
      form a vital part of the income we  can devote to our charitable work.

      Whilst we appreciate people have financial constraints nowadays, we feel
      extremely lucky to continue receiving donations, however small or large,
      from supporters, followers and members of the public, as well as event
      organisers who continue to raise funds to help us carry on our vital work in
      Spain.  Every penny will help change a galgo’s life.

      When donating, please do not forget Gift Aid. Gift Aid is a tax relief allowing
      UK charities to reclaim an extra 25% in tax on every eligible donation made
      by a UK taxpayer.  This does make a difference to your donation.  Thank you.
      Our Gift Aid form is on page 23.

      We should like to reiterate our heartfelt thanks to all our supporters,
      followers and volunteers who stick with us through thick and thin!

      Thank you!


         “Adopting a galgo won’t change the world but the
                    world will change for that galgo.”

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