Page 8 - AutumnWinterNL22
P. 8

Trustees’ pages

     Dear Friends

     How this year is flying by and
     now the days are starting to
     close in as well.  Where has
     the time gone and if only
     there were more than 24
     hours in a day!!

     Our office is as busy as
     ever and Carolyn and Tracey,
     ably assisted by Geraldine,
     work all the hours available
     “and more” and we are all
     extremely grateful to them
     for their dedication and          My galgo, Mateo, chilling at home
     commitment to GIN.

     We recognise that education of the younger generation in animal welfare
     offers the only hope of bringing the maltreatment of Spanish galgos to an
     end. We continue to invest in developing our education programme in Spain
     through further development of our education website—
     and the provision of teaching resources and infrastructure at the point of
     need. Communication from our educational programme end-users have
     provided very positive feedback that the programme has been enthusiastically
     received by the children and that an understanding of animal welfare and the
     plight of the galgos is developing.  We consider that our education programme
     is working well but will still require continued financial investment in the
     forthcoming financial years.

     Our new Trustee, Sam has brought with her years of experience working
     with charities, government departments and brands developing educational
     campaigns and initiatives.  She has helped design and produce our educational
     material and website and we are delighted to have her on board with us!

     We are always at pains to ensure that the charity's expenditure is strictly
     limited to its charitable objects and that administration costs are kept to a
     minimum. In particular, care is taken to see that all funds spent abroad are
     carefully controlled and restricted to organisations known to us to be
     trustworthy. Trustees and staff aim to make regular visits to Spain to check
     on projects already completed and to research future needs.  Even though
     Covid 19 seems to have quietened down, it has not been possible to make any
     visits to Spain this year so, as an alternative, we are now well versed in the
     art of Zoom meetings to keep in touch with the Spanish shelters!

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