Page 13 - AutumnWinterNL22
P. 13

We are continuing to support Anna and her team
      at SOS Galgos in Barcelona.  They have been
      busy getting the kennels ready for more dogs to
      arrive and also working hard on the
      education area.   School visits are
      now being planned and we have been
      pleased to be able to help with some
      funding for this.

      The area where the children will
      sit outside needed to be fenced
      securely and this has now been done.

      The classrooms have been decorated
      and we were able to fund some
      chairs for the students and they
      have recently arrived.

      We are hearing from other shelters
      now that they are making plans for
      school visits again, these have
      obviously not been possible during
      the lockdowns.  We are keen to help
      promote the education project and            Photos: SOS Galgos
      reach more areas in Spain to
      help educate the children
      about the plight of the galgos
      and change the perception
      people have of these lovely

      We have produced a flyer in
      English and Spanish to help us
      promote this project.   If you
      would like copies to share
      with your contacts please give
      us a call on 01784 483206
      and we can put some in the

      We have a new contact in
      Alicante, Patricia, who is a
      teacher.  She is very keen to
      promote the education
      programme in her area.

      We recently had a Zoom meeting with her to discuss the plans she has and
      the support we can give. More news on this in our next newsletter.

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