Page 6 - AutumnWinterNL22
P. 6

We would also like to thank everyone who responded to the Shelter Appeal in
      our last newsletter, we were able to send some new collars, waterproof coats
      and dog beds to Spain.

      We will be sending out our usual membership renewal letters in early
      December but renewals for 2023 can be made now by completing the form on
      page 31 or you can pay over the phone—01784 483206.

      We were very pleased that Sue and
      Phil from Oldham visited us recently.
      They have done so much for GIN
      in Cheshire and the North West,
      organising many events over the years
      raising funds and awareness of our
      work.   We hadn’t seen them for a few
      years so it was nice to have time to
      catch up.  They brought us some lovely
      items for our next event along with
      lovely coats, collars and other doggy
      items we can send to Spain.  Please
      have a look at their news on pages 28-
      29.                                    Phil, Tracey and Sue

      I mentioned in our last newsletter that Tracey was planning
      a Tandem Sky Dive to celebrate a “special birthday” and
                           to raise funds for Greyhounds in
                           Need, Parkinson’s UK and Cancer
                           Research UK.  This was booked for
                           20th  August but unfortunately the
                           weather was not good and the sky
                           dive was postponed.  Now booked for
                           8th October, fingers crossed!!!

                           Tracey sends her thanks to everyone
                           who kindly donated.  We will post news on our site and
                           FB when the sky dive goes ahead.

                           It just remains for me to say a very big THANK YOU to
                           Tracey and Geraldine for all their help in the office. We
                           couldn’t do our work without the wonderful support you
                           continue to give us.

                           Please take care, keep safe and I wish you,
                           your families and your dogs a Merry
                           Christmas and a Happy New Year.

                                                            Carolyn x

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