Page 6 - SpringSummerNL23
P. 6

Trustees’ pages

                        Sad news about Martin Humphery

     We were sad to hear earlier this year that Martin Humphery had
     passed away, aged ninety-three.    His wife, Angela, told us that he
     had been admitted urgently to hospital just before Christmas where
     he remained until he slipped away peacefully on the 1st January, 2023,
     with his dear wife at his bedside.

     Angela and Martin had been GIN supporters for some time and we
     were pleased when they adopted their first galgo, Harry.   They were
     soon in love with the breed and when Harry died they adopted Percy
     who became very famous with his photographs being used in much of
     our earlier educational material.

     Martin became a Trustee in August 2003, and was Chairman from
     June 2008, until September 2019. He retired as a Trustee in January
     2022. Over his tenure Martin provided a wealth of knowledge both
     from his previous experience with other charities and his acumen as
     a businessman.

     During his years with GIN he regularly visited the office to keep in
     touch with all of us and liked to visit the galgos we brought to the UK
     who were kennelled nearby.

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