Page 4 - SpringSummerNL23
P. 4

News Update

      Dear Friends,

      In May this year we will be celebrating 25 years as
      a registered charity. In 1998 Greyhounds in Need
      was founded by Anne and Arthur Finch after they
      had spent a number of years helping and rehoming
      greyhounds and raising awareness of their plight.
      The charity has grown considerably over the years
      and we are lucky to have wonderful collaborations
      with many shelters in Spain, some we have worked
      with for years.

      As GIN has grown the help we have been able to give has expanded and we
      are so pleased and proud that it has been possible to increase our help and
      support to the shelters abroad rescuing the galgos and the adoption groups in
      Europe who work tirelessly to find homes for them.

      The veterinary bills the shelters have are always high and much of the funding
      we are able to give, thanks to the generosity of our supporters, goes towards
      covering such costs. The shelters in Spain are run mostly by volunteers who
      give so much of their time to help the abandoned dogs in their area. We have
      also been able to fund many necessary projects in Spain to improve facilities
      for the dogs while they wait for a home.

      On pages 18-19 you can read “A Day at SOS Galgos, Barcelona”, one of the
      groups we support written by Anna Clements who is the Director.

      In our last newsletter I mentioned that
      Tracey was planning to do a Tandem Sky
      Dive to celebrate her “special birthday”
      and raise funds for Greyhounds in Need,
      Parkinson’s UK and Cancer Research UK.
      This had to be postponed due to the
      weather but finally went ahead on 8th
      October, raising £1,704 (£979 for GIN).
      Tracey sends a big THANK YOU to
      everyone who kindly donated.

      Thank you to everyone who took part in
      our on-line raffle which raised £1,455.
      We were very grateful to Louise, who
      adopted galga Daphne from GIN, for donating a weekend break in a fabulous
      dog friendly 5 star holiday cottage in Northumberland as a prize.  The lucky
      winner was Mary Lynch.  Louise has kindly offered this prize again later this
      year so please look out for details in our next newsletter, website, FB etc.

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