Page 32 - SpringSummerNL21
P. 32

Special Cases

      We continue to fund initial veterinary costs for many galgos the shelters in
      Spain can help but we often get asked to help some special cases and in recent
      weeks have been able to give help to three shelters with some sad cases.

      Vera of Galgos en Familia asked us for help with
      two galgos her group had rescued  - Kimbra and

      Kimbra arrived with an open fracture, a distal
      ulnar and radius fracture with displacement.
      She was x-rayed and seen by the trauma
      specialist.  He kept her in and operated. She
      has a 3.5 mm DCP plate fitted with 9 screws.
      She is on total rest for 6 weeks and will then be
      seen again by the surgeon At the time of writing
      she is doing very well and Vera and her team are
      happy with her progress.                              Kimbra

                                                      Photos: Galgos en Familia

      Violet arrived at the shelter unable to put any
      weight on her rear leg, she had x rays, the vet
      suspected a fractured tibia and she was seen
      by the trauma specialist. He kept her in and
      operated straight away.

      The surgeon repaired and stabilised the fracture
      using five crossed needles and a cerclage thread
      to act as a tension. Violet went into foster, along
      with Kimbra, and also needs 6 weeks of total rest.
      The surgeon will see her again after the 6 week
      period.  She is also making good progress.

      Popeye and Zeus arrived at Arca de Noe,
      Albacete with broken legs.   They were x-rayed
      and both had bad fractures which the vet said
      would take some time to completely heal.

      They had to be kept in a small area to start with and they needed to rest to
      give their injuries time to heal.

      Sole, at the shelter, has recently emailed me to say both dogs are now going out
      for short walks and the vet is happy with their progress.

      Soon they will be able to be adopted and start their new lives in a loving home.

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