Page 28 - SpringSummerNL21
P. 28

News from Cheshire and the North West

      Hello again everyone,

      We are looking forward with optimism to meeting up with many of you later in
      the year. Hopefully better times are ahead and we will be able to resume all our
      fundraising and social activities which have had to be put on hold for the last
      twelve months. How much has changed since writing my piece for last year's
      edition of the Spring and Summer Newsletter.  The last year has been very
      difficult for us all, especially during the cold, wet and dark winter months.

      Last October our dear friend Graham passed away. We had known Graham and
      his wife Sandra from the early days of our becoming involved in greyhound
      welfare nearly thirty years ago. We met through our mutual love of greyhounds.
      It was Graham who first negotiated our being able to fundraise and awareness
      raise in Cleveleys, where we have met some wonderful friends and volunteers
      and as a result have homed many greyhounds and galgos. Graham will be sadly
      missed by us all. RIP Graham.

      We do have many happy memories of our visits to Cleveleys and hopefully we will
      be able to add to those memories later in the summer.

      Over the last six months we have learnt of the passing of several of our four
      legged friends.  Charity passed away last September, she would have been
      thirteen in September and is much missed by her greyhound friend Foxy and
      her owner Jim.

      Carol sadly lost two of her rescued Spanish dogs Drako aged twelve years and
      Trevor nine years within a few days of each other in November, whilst Pascall
      and Mireille greatly miss their white and black greyhound girl, Pearl who would
      have been thirteen in January.

      We ourselves were devastated to lose our beautiful little black greyhound girl
      Rosie, very unexpectedly in October. She was only five years old and a real
      character, we miss her dreadfully.

      I thought that I would take this opportunity to mention
      some of our older greyhound and galgo friends, many of
      whom are sharing a home with another friend, which
      just goes to show how addictive these dogs are, one is
      never enough. Some of them are getting a bit creaky
      and wonky ( as we all are) but many are still going strong.
      Sincere apologies to those dogs and their owners who I
      have not mentioned. I hope to include you in my future

      Syd is still fit and active at the ripe old age of thirteen
      and a half. He has a new greyhound friend called Peggy
      after he lost his long time companion, Daisy.  Syd and    Syd
      Peggy are both keeping their owner Adele on her toes.

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