Page 31 - SpringSummerNL21
P. 31


     By blood test to detect Leishmania antibodies (ELISA
     test); more complex tests for identification can be done
     like a PCR test.

         We recommended annual antibody testing
                 for all our rehomed galgos.

     Treatment and prevention:

     If the dog shows any of the clinical signs found above
     and it has been in an endemic area it should be taken to
     the veterinarian and let the veterinarian know in which
     country the dog has been to. The main drugs used for the treatment of
     leishmaniasis are the pentavalent antimony meglumine antimoniate and allopurinol.

     Miltefosine is a relatively new anti-leishmanial drug that can be used for the
     first month of treatment in combination with allopurinol instead of meglumine
     antimoniate. Amphotericin B is also used but it is highly nephrotoxic (Toxic for
     the kidneys). These treatments are often designed to improve the dog’s condition
     temporarily but sometimes the disease can reoccur.    The treatment does not
     eliminate the parasite. Keeping infected dogs where the  sandfly is present needs
     to be thought about as a treated dog is considered as a carrier and can transmit
     the parasite via the sandfly to other dogs and people.

     In endemic countries dogs are given topical insecticides in Deltamethrin-
     impregnated collars or spot-on drops to reduce the number of sandfly bites.

     A new vaccination has been licenced in Europe offering protection against
     Leishmaniasis.  This vaccination should only be given to dogs that test negative
     for diseases and will be particularly useful for dogs travelling to areas where
     Leishmaniasis is endemic. Trials are currently underway to test the use of this
     vaccine in animals previously exposed to Leishmaniasis but results are not
     expected for at least 5-10 years!

     More information can be found on our website

                            Leigh Sobye BVSc MRCVS

     All products mentioned are off licensed use in the UK as currently no licensed
     products exist.

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