Page 34 - SpringSummerNL21
P. 34


      Our sponsorship scheme
      was started some years ago
      when we brought galgos
      into quarantine, for later
      homing in the UK.

      We have continued the
      scheme for the galgos we
      are still able to bring into
      the UK and this continues
      to help with the costs
      involved in carrying out the necessary veterinary care needed to comply
      with our import regulations.  The scheme also helps with the boarding
      costs we incur in Spain, whilst the dogs are undergoing checks/
      treatment, and in the UK until they are homed.

      As the dogs are homed quite quickly it has become harder to allocate
      particular dogs to our sponsors and for this reason we changed the
      sponsorship scheme to cover all the sponsor dogs and we write to
      sponsors with news on them when they arrive and as they are homed.
      We are very grateful to our sponsors for the support they have given
      us over the years.

      If you would like to sponsor our galgos while they are being prepared
      for homing please complete the sponsor form on page 35 and return it
      to us.

      If you feel you could offer a home to a galgo please give us a call on
      01784 483206 or email us    -

      Our full homing pack, which includes the
      homing questionnaire, is available to
      download from our website  -


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