Page 10 - AutumnWinterNL23
P. 10


     We would like to thank all of our supporters for organising stalls, dog
     walks, street collections, car boot sales which help to raise funds towards
     the work but also spread awareness of our work and that of the groups we
     support in Spain.
                                Once again we
                                attended the
                                Englefield Green
                                show in June
                                where we had two
                                stalls which were
                                manned by
                                Geraldine, Tracey,
                                Liz, Julie and
     Gaynor. It was a great success and a fun day
     was had by all.                 Sue held a stall on
                                     behalf of GIN at the
                                     Fifield Fun day in
                                     August. Two of our
                                     volunteers Linda and
                                     Mark helped on the
                                     day and Yogi adopted         YOGI
                                     by Helen won 4th prize
                                     in the musical mats for
                                     dogs competition.
     GIN were invited to a coffee
     morning at Lynwood Village,
     Sunningdale where Tracey gave a
     talk and showed a presentation on
     the charity helped along by Liz and
     Sue. Reuben and Yogi were the
     stars of the show and loved by all
     the residents.

     Liz, helped by her husband Phil and      Many thanks to Jackie Baker and
     volunteer Mark attended The Grange       all the fundraisers at Claws N Paws
                             Garden Party in  who year after year work hard to
                             Wraysbury at     raise money for many animal
                             the beginning of  charities by holding monthly
                             September.       country and western and ballroom
                                              dances, afternoon teas and many
                             The sun shone    other events. GIN is very lucky to
                             and they had a
                                              be one of these charities every
                             successful       year and our latest donation
                             afternoon.       received was to buy some
                                              waterproof coats for the
                                              galgos in Spain.

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