Page 15 - AutumnWinterNL23
P. 15

Galgos Rescue Almeria

      Recently we paid for 6 trees to
      give the dogs some shade in the
      hot weather at the shelter.
      Once the land is prepared these
      trees will be put in the ground
      and once established will
      provide some shady areas for
      the dogs to shelter from the

           Don’t forget to look
            at our new galgos
               on pages 8-9                   Photo: Galgos Rescue Almeria

      Arca de Noe
      Sole was very happy to see a picture
      taken of the Arca de Noe transporter
      van on route to Germany. It was taken
      by someone who had adopted a dog
      from her previously who recognised
      the van and she wanted to share it
      with us.


                                            We have got some projects
                                            we are currently working on
                                            with the  shelters we
                                            support and more details
                                            will be in our Spring/
                                            Summer 2024 newsletter.

          Photo: Arca de Noe
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