Page 16 - AutumnWinterNL23
P. 16


       Learn with Galgos

       We’ve had some fantastic updates from some of the shelters about their
       education programmes.
                        Led by Antonio and his galga Abi, Arca
                        de Noé in Albacete has worked with 25
                        different centres this year. Their
                        education project has been so
                        successful that they are extending it
                        to include student-parent associations,
                        childcare  centres, scout groups,
                        summer schools and youth associations.
                        They are also extremely pleased
       to report that Abi has been allowed to attend every  Photos: Arca de Noe
       workshop, which has not always been possible. This
       is great news as it helps bring young people closer to the problem that
       animals, especially hunting dogs, are still suffering.

       Anna at SOS Galgos, Barcelona, has been incredibly busy getting their new
       education centre up and running. Their classrooms are now ready to receive
       schools to participate in workshops based on empathy and compassion towards
       animals, and children will learn about caring for dogs and all about galgos, too!
       We received this lovely message from Anna:

       Greyhounds in Need have been key in supporting SOS Galgos from the
       very start. This amazing charity based in the UK continues to help us
       both on a practical level with donations for the galgos in our care and
       with educational resources for the workshops targeted to promote
       compassion towards animals among children at the school we have set up.
       This is a school for schools to come to, a much-needed place, and
                                                Greyhounds in Need
                                                has always shared
                                                the vision.

        Photos: SOS Galgos

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