Page 32 - AutumnWinterNL22
P. 32

Vet’s Corner
    Blood and Urine tests required in Galgos

    Canine diseases endemic across the Mediterranean include
    protozoan diseases (Leishmania and Babesiosis), Ehrlichiosis and
    heartworm. These diseases can be difficult to diagnose and should
    be considered in Galgos bought into the UK should the clinical signs
    prompt you or your veterinarian to do so.

    A veterinary general practice can carry out routine blood tests
    which provides information on whether the patient is suffering
    from anaemia, infection/inflammation, or indications of kidney and
    liver disease. Urine samples are useful if blood tests reveal kidney
    problems as it provides important information related to the extent
    of renal damage. While these tests can be vital for narrowing down
    the cause of the illness, they are non-specific, revealing the impact
    of disease instead of offering a definitive diagnosis. For this
    reason, further testing is required.


    One method is by serological testing which detects Leishmania
    specific antibodies in the blood. Serology results showing high
    antibody levels from a dog with clinical signs is diagnostic.
    Unfortunately, since it can take up to 22 months for dogs to
    produce these antibodies, Leishmaniosis cannot be ruled out in a
    dog that is clinically well with low antibody levels. In this scenario
    it is wise to repeat serology annually to monitor antibody levels or
    to carry out tests which detects leishmania specific DNA, known as
    a PCR test.  Samples from the bone marrow, lymph nodes, skin,
    blood, or joint fluid can be used for a leishmania PCR.


    Babesia species target red blood cells and platelets in the body.
    As a result, general blood and urine tests would indicate anaemia
    and red coloured urine. A blood smear can be made by spreading a
    very fine layer of blood on a glass slide to be analysed under a
    microscope. But since the babesia species are very small this can be
    incredibly challenging. Thankfully a PCR test for babesia also exists
    which allows direct identification of the babesia species from a
    blood sample.

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