Page 29 - AutumnWinterNL22
P. 29

We are looking forward to wishing Tracey from head office good luck in person
     with her rearranged sky dive in October. Rather her than us, but it is all in aid of
     a brilliant cause. Don't forget to donate on Tracey's JustGiving page.

     Jen and Roy, together with their greyhound Freddy, are looking after our old girl,
     Trish whilst we are away, which we are very grateful for. They live in a bungalow
     and have cared for elderly greyhounds in the past, so we know that Trish will be
     well looked after. We cannot thank them enough for their help and support.

     I realised when I was re-reading my piece in   Trish
     the last Newsletter, how much I mentioned
     Trish and our worry that she would not make
     it to Cornwall this year. Happily she did and
     she is still here, albeit sleeping more and
     only eating what she wants and walking as far
     as she wants to go, which varies day by day
     on how she is feeling.

     We had a lovely time in Cornwall where we
     tailored our holiday around Trish's needs.
     We didn't visit as many places as usual,
     especially during the last few days when the
     weather was becoming hotter. Trish doesn't
     cope very well with the heat like many black
     dogs, especially greyhounds.

     We did manage to take her to visit Jen, Roy
     and Fred, who were staying in their caravan only a few minutes away whilst they
     came over to visit us in our cottage.

     Two of our friends have lost their beloved dogs in the last few months. Carol was
     devastated to lose Canela a week before her 14  birthday. She had lived with
     Carol for 9 years and spent the last few months enjoying her new life in Scotland.
     We are so pleased that we were able to spend time with her when we went up to
     visit Carol last October.

     Carol now has a new dog, a lively young Podenco called Theo who we are looking
     forward to meeting on our next visit to Scotland.

     Pascal and Mireille were very sad to lose their beautiful black greyhound, Ged,
     who we had met several times during our walks in Marbury Park.

     Well, I think that's about all for now. Thanks for reading what has been
     happening and I hope to have more to report in my next piece in the Spring
     edition of the Newsletter when hopefully we will all have come through the winter
     and we will be looking forward to the summer.

     Stay warm everyone

                      Sue, Phil and Trish. Volunteers.   Greyhounds in Need

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