Page 28 - AutumnWinterNL22
P. 28

News from Cheshire and the North West

      Hi again everyone

      The last six months seem to have passed very quickly and now the nights are
      already drawing in. Things have been quiet here in the North West, as we have
      not been able to arrange as many events for our
      friends and volunteers as we had hoped to do.

      Our last fundraising event was held in Cleveleys in
      May and we are hoping to organise a pre-Christmas
      fundraiser in the seaside town again this year. We
      had a successful collection last December which
      was well supported by volunteers and their dogs
      (all of us well wrapped up), locals and visitors.

      Whilst in Cleveleys, we were delighted to see
      friends who we have homed dogs with in the past
      but who we haven't had a catch up with for a while,
      including Mary and Derek from Middleton and Jo
      and her family from Fleetwood with Lilly. We were
      also pleased to welcome Phil with Ned, Jen and Roy
      with Freddy and Sandra with Stella.
                                                            Jo, Poppy and
      In the last newsletter I mentioned our meeting up   Lilly the greyhound
      for social dog walks during the summer, but our
      plans have had to be put on hold because we had
      our car stolen at the end of April and then our new
      (to us) car was damaged in July (not by us) after we
      had returned from holiday. We were reliant on hire
      cars for several weeks, but are now looking forward
      to arranging to meet up with everyone again either
      at Marbury Country Park or Styal Country Park
      during the next few months.

      I will make sure that any events are publicised on
      the GIN Facebook page as well as by email. Please
      let me know if you would like to be added to our
      emailing list.

      Phil and I are planning a trip to the Greyhounds in
      Need head office which is based in Egham in
      Surrey in September, to meet up with all those who
      have supported us here in the North West for so   Ned (fawn) and Stella
      many years. We did visit the office in Wraysbury    (brindle) helping at
      with our friend Carol several years ago but have         Cleveleys
      never been to Egham. We are eagerly looking
      forward to our visit, including a trip on the River Thames, which we are
      combining with a few days in Windsor.  I look forward to reporting on our
      experiences in the next Newsletter.

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