Page 30 - AutumnWinterNL22
P. 30

Galga Bambi

     I have at last been given the opportunity
     to write the latest update myself……so
     here goes!

     I have now been here since 22 January
     this year and I have really settled in well
     with Judy, Mark and the other five
     hounds. I love being fussed and tickled
     and adore any attention I am given –
     rewarding whoever strokes me with a paw,
     a nudge and several kisses. I have also
     acquired a couple of nicknames - like most
     dogs do – one is Bam Bam (I think that is Barney Rubble’s daughter’s name in the
     Flintstones cartoon series?) and the other is Bambino – however, when this term
     is used it sounds more like Bambi “NO!”

     I always clean my bowl – and finish anything the others have left if I am allowed.
     However, as I have put on weight since coming here I am discouraged from eating
     more than I should. I am told I have an enviable figure and need to keep it that

     I have taken over from Purdy where the postman, or any other callers at our
     house are concerned. In fact I am even more protective of my home than Purdy
     was. I am told that to be a good guard dog it’s quite enough to bark to alert Judy
     and Mark that there is someone at the door….not to whip myself up into a frenzy
     and become over-protective. …. So this ‘duty’ is a work in progress at the moment!

     I only have one other small fault (that I will admit to) and that is pulling on the
     lead. I do wear a gentle leader which helps to curb my enthusiasm but where we
     dogs are walked, the area is full of fascinating smells. At night, various wild
     animals come out to forage for food and play, and these creatures include
     badgers, foxes, rabbits, hedgehogs and muntjac deer. So… can imagine the
     wealth of enticing scents for our keen ‘galgo’ noses to explore. Whereas racing
     greyhounds chase by sight –we Spanish greys are ‘hunting’ dogs and we walk along
     with our noses pressed firmly to the ground following the trails left by the
     various overnight visitors. Although the field where we are walked has mown
     paths, there are still large swathes of long grass harbouring the best smells.
     Whereas small dogs can’t even be seen in these areas – unfortunately we long
     legged hounds are always visible so can’t disappear into the wilderness.  However,
     I look upon this ‘groundwork’ as valuable research in case David Attenborough
     decides to produce a second series of ‘Life in the Undergrowth!’

     Well that’s about all from me and my first few months’ experience of ‘home life’.
     I haven’t been threatened with a one way ticket back to Spain…yet – so it seems I
     have endeared myself to Judy and Mark sufficiently to have set my paws firmly
     under the table so to speak!!           Best wishes             BAMBI

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