Page 28 - SpringSummerNL20
P. 28

Vet’s Corner

      Vet’s Corner — Dental Disease
      It is estimated that 80% of dogs over the age of
      three have some form of dental disease. The normal
      mouth has white teeth and pink (or pigmented) gums
      which do not bleed when touched.

      Dental disease is initially invisible when plaque
      (bacteria and other substances) builds up on the
      tooth surface. The more plaque that is  allowed to
      accumulate the redder the gums become (gingivitis)
      and eventually the plaque mineralizes into calculus (tarter) on the tooth surface. If left
      untreated these early and reversible changes of dental disease can lead to a more
      serious and irreversible condition called periodontal disease where the teeth loosen and
      eventually fall out.

      Periodontal disease however does not just affect the mouth. Bacteria can spread from
      the mouth through the blood stream and affect other organs such as the liver, kidneys,
      heart and lungs making your pet generally feel unwell.
      It is recommended that all dogs visit their local veterinary surgery at least once a
      year for a dental check. Most practices now offer reduced rate or free nurse clinics
      specifically to check your pet's dental health. These clinics are designed to show you
      how to maintain your pet's oral hygiene with a range of different products including
      tooth brushing.

      Tooth brushing — Where do I start?
      Set an appropriate time of day for tooth brushing: after the pet has had its last meal of
      the day is preferable but if you have more time in the morning do it then.
      Make it part of your routine:
      For example Have your own dinner, feed the pets, do the washing up, watch TV, read a
      book, get your things ready for tomorrow, brush the pets teeth, go up to the bathroom
      to do your own teeth, go to bed.
      How do I do it?
      It’s easiest to sit down on the floor with your pet either next to them or behind them,
      but facing the same way. You may be more confident asking someone to sit with you and
      stop the pet moving backwards or pawing you when you first start.   Don’t restrain your
      pet too forcefully – we want to work towards them allowing us to brush their teeth not
      forcing them to have it done. If at any stage your pet resists strongly stop; go back to
      the previous step and only progress when your pet is accepting comfortably what you are
      Week 1
      Take a pea sized amount of toothpaste on your index finger, let the pet smell it and lick
      it, then dab it onto the incisors/canines (teeth at the front of the mouth)

      Week 2
      Take a pea sized amount of toothpaste on your index finger, use your other hand to lift
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