Page 26 - SpringSummerNL20
P. 26

News from Cheshire and the North West

      Hello again everyone,

      It would be very easy to be pessimistic at this very difficult time for us all, but
      I will try to be as optimistic as possible as we plan for the next few months. All
      our dogs, I am sure, will be delighted that we are able to spend much more time
      with them at home and on their walks.

      Since writing my piece for the Autumn newsletter we have sadly heard about
      the passing of a number of our much loved four legged friends and ambassadors
      for Greyhounds in Need. These include Faz, Tolo and Ruby, galgos who all left us
      in October 2019 and greyhounds Hotfoot Roger, Dennis, Dinny and Fletcher.
      Roger also passed away in October whilst we lost Dennis and Dinny in November
      and Fletcher in February of this year.

      They are very much missed by their loving families, but their passing has
      opened the door for four lucky greyhounds to find their forever homes; Derek
      with Nicola and her family, Peggy with Adele, Biddy with Jackie and Phil and
      Lucy with Janice and Barry.

      We are looking forward to meeting these new arrivals when we are eventually
      able to resume our Fundraising and Social Dog Walking events later in the year.

      We were hoping to
      organise several events
      over the Autumn and
      Winter months but the
      weather was not as kind
      to us as we had hoped.
      We did manage to meet
      up at Marbury Country
      Park in November
      (photos right) where we
      sold Christmas cards and
      calendars to a great
      turnout of our friends
      and volunteers despite
      the inclement weather.

      We had to postpone
      our planned walk at
      Hollingworth Lake in
      December because it
      clashed with a fundraiser
      for a local Hospice and
      then postpone for a
      second time in February 2020 because of the arrival of Storm Dennis.

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