Page 32 - AutumnWinterNL23
P. 32

Vet’s Corner

      Getting through firework season:

      While many of us look forward to bonfire night
      and fireworks season, this can be a very stressful
      time for our pets.

      Around 80% of pet owners have had a pet that is
      afraid of fireworks. This fact sheet is designed to
      help you make this time a little easier for your pet
      to cope with.

      Signs of fear in dogs during firework season:

      • Trembling and shaking.
      • Clinging to owners.
      • Excessive vocalisation (bark, whine, howl).
      • Cowering and hiding behind furniture.
      • Trying to run away.
      • Soiling the house.
      • Pacing and panting.
      • Refusing to eat.
      • Dribbling.
      • Self trauma.
      • Destructiveness.

      How to help your dog:

      *Walk your dog before dusk to avoid fireworks.
      *Close any doors, windows and cat flaps to prevent escape.
      *Many dogs and cats will try to hide when they hear fireworks. This helps
      them to cope with their fear. You can help your pet by making sure they have
      a hiding place where they feel safe. Create a comforting ‘den’. This could be
      inside a wardrobe or cupboard, or behind a sofa. Pad it with old pillows and
      blankets to help soundproof it.

      Your pet may already have a preferred hiding place. That is fine, they should
      not be forced out if this is already the place where they feel most relaxed. In
      the weeks leading up to firework season, let your pet have access to this den
      at all times and, for dogs in particular, offer healthy treats and praise when
      your dog uses it, this will build a positive association with this space.

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