Page 20 - AutumnWinterNL22
P. 20


           We have lost Ronnie due to cancer, our hearts are broken but   Ronnie
           he has lived life to the full and up to today has still had his fun
        loving, cheeky character. He enjoyed his horse box trips the best
        and stealing oh and peeing on people!  I’m so glad we met him
        when we came to collect Zoraida (who old and rickety but still the
        boss) and I said if he's still here at Christmas I’m coming for him.
        Little did Bryn know then his birthday present was Ronnie.  Thank
        you for entrusting him with us he's been perfect and made us laugh
        every day till of course today he bore his chest cancer bravely and
        just carried on till this morning.          Gina Bryn & Liam

                                    Just to let you know we've
                                    had to let Zoraida go tonight
                                she collapsed and nothing could
                                be done, so she's gone to join her
                                soul mate Ronnie. Our hearts are
                                broken she was a beautiful strong
                                willed lady to the end.  Gina Bryn & Liam

            With very heavy hearts, we had to say
            goodbye to Eddie, one of our darling
        galgos.He was such a bundle of fun and mischief
        from the moment he jumped in our car when we
        went to adopt Rufus in 2013.  We weren't
        planning on adopting two dogs but after settling
        Rufus in to his new life with us and our rabbits,
        we just had to go back & get Eddie. So a few   Eddie
        weeks later, we adopted him too and since then,
        he has brought much joy and laughter into all our lives.  Eddie lived life to the full, often at high
        speed and always with enthusiasm. He really was the sweetest, most affectionate boy, who
        not only loved his brother Rufus dearly but also accepted and 'mentored' Zeus who joined the
        clan a year ago. Eddie was always gentle around the sheep and ponies and wanted to be
        everyone's friend, even if the feeling wasn't always reciprocated!  In the past year or so, his
        legs had become a bit wobbly and he had a series of ailments but he tolerated them cheerfully.
        However, just two days ago, he lost his usual joie-de-vivre. We knew something must be
        seriously wrong so we took him straight to the vets. His latest ailment (a "ranula" under his
        tongue) would have required highly technical surgery and a long period of treatment, with no
        guarantees of recovery. Being frail enough already, we just couldn't put him through that.  So,
        a day after he had tried to chase his last squirrel, Eddie went to sleep, in the back of the same
        car he jumped into 9-and-a-half years ago and just a few weeks short of his 13th birthday.
        We miss our darling Eddie-Boo so very much.              Nigel and Cheryl XxX

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