Page 12 - AutumnWinterNL20
P. 12

Catherine Madry of Levriers en            Eva, Catherine and Corinne
     Detresse took four galgos, Kody,
     Paco, Latina and Menta on the same
     transport as our June galgos.  They
     are now enjoying life in France.

     In June and July our galgos for the
     UK could travel—more news on
     pages 16-20.  We have two videos of
     their arrival on our website, these
     videos were kindly made by Eva and
     Jorge of Todopatas .  Please take a


                                                     The shelters in Spain have
                                                     had to cope with many more
                                                     dogs over recent months
                                                     due to lockdown.

                                                     Volunteers have had to
                                                     obtain special permission in
                                                     order to visit the shelters
                                                     to look after the dogs.
                                                     Thanks to the response we
                                                     received to the food appeal
                                                     in our last newsletter we
                                                     have been able to offer
                                                     them additional help during
                                                     these difficult months.

                   Photo: Galgos del Sol

     As well as Arca de Noe, RECAL in Almendralejo, APAPA in Ayamonte and
     Galgos en Familia in Malaga have all been able to resume transports.

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